I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season since it's about to wrap up for 2019. I had a fantastic Halloween and Thanksgiving. Christmas and New Year's are the only holidays left to celebrate. With 2020 looming, I've decided to make some writing goals for the year. Here is my list:

It's a good idea for a writer to establish a routine for writing. I've read advice stating to try to write at the same time every day and aim for a certain number of words. I like to work in the mornings and I aim for 1,000 words minimum when working on a story.

In honor of World Mental Health Day, I'm reprinting this article I wrote a few years back about creativity and mental illness. Enjoy


We work in the dark - we do what we can - we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art. – Henry James

Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation. – Graham Greene


Have you ever had an erotic dream? They're fun, aren't they? I read some articles about erotic dreams, and some people have had some very strange ones. One woman had sex with the bottom tip of a crescent moon. She said, "I wasn't sure it was a good idea, but I did it anyway." That seems to be the going thing with erotic dreams – you do it anyway since there is nothing to hold you back.

I often joke that considering my Google search history for writing research purposes, the FBI must have a massive file on me. I can't comment on some of my searches since they are far from PG rated. Suffice to say I'm surprised I don't get Pornhub spam in my email box. If you've seen it on Urban Dictionary, I've searched for it, LOL.

I mentioned this topic on Facebook and my friends told me about their bizarre search histories which are research for their fiction. Here are a few:

I'm saving the 8th season of Game of Thrones for binge-watching with my husband after the season and series finale. I have only run into two spoilers so far – the Starbucks cup on the table in front of Daenerys in episode 4 and the water bottle by Sam Tarly's feet in the series finale. I promise – no Game of Thrones spoilers in this article. It's not about Game of Thrones anyway. Not directly.

It's about the Mary Sue and her male counterpart, the Gary Stu.

In my last post, I mentioned how I’m cutting back on conventions and other public appearances. However, I did not mention writer’s retreats. I love writer’s retreats and I try to go to one or two every year. Right now, I’m in central Massachusetts at a retreat hosted by Broad Universe. Broad Universe is a networking group for women who write speculative fiction. This glorious retreat is in a beautiful house in the middle of the woods. There is lots of snow on the ground. I saw squirrels and birds. This place is bucolic. I love it.

serenity book cover
Joss Whedon
Dark House Books


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Purchase from WorldCon76

This is a graphic rendering of a favorite but short lived series: Serenity by Joss Whedon (of Buffy fame) is a boon to any graphic novel’s library or even those who love Science Fiction meets Westerns in a good way. Those Left Behind covers the first three books that came out in this format in one hard cover book.

It covers beautifully the actors who played these characters while they act giving you a real sense of the story being played out. There is also a section at the end with back drops on how the world building for the story was done. Delightfully written, Well drawn, and beautifully produced. I only wish I had found this sooner. Hope to collect the rest of them of a series ended much too soon.

physics and astronomy book cover
Steven D. Bloom
McFarland and Company, Inc., Publishers
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For those of us who never really got past any high school grade science, this book can be helpful in understanding how the fictional universe of science compares to the reality of the Scientific world.

Written in an engaging style, the writer Steven D. Bloom is refreshing in that he does not put down any of the shows, movies, or stories used as examples in his books. He also presents journals by scientists that speak of the various science explored in everything from Time Travel, to Warp Bubbles, to Super Human Powers and all in between. Since the book is primarily focused on Physics and Astronomy, this is not for those looking for Biological, Geographical, or Medical Science. Though he does touch on them a bit where they bisect with the above topics.

As a writer who loves Science Fiction and Science in general. I do try to ‘study’ what I can but would be the first to admit, my knowledge is behind even that of High School. Thanks to this book, maybe I have in a small way, gotten to the Eleventh grade. Maybe someday with reading writers like him, I might even graduate.

Nancy McCormick, September 4, 2018

Muriel Stockdale
Balboa Press

978-1-5043-7061-5 (sc)

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A desperate woman being thrown out of a medical center. Where she has dedicating her life that the science the center depends on. She is also betrayed by the man she thought she would marry.

Word of her work got out to the press. The Public is in an uproar and after her, saying she is unethical. The inspiration for the story is straight from much of the work done today on growing cells and simple limbs such as ear lobs, tissues and in time, hopefully, organ transplants. The goal is to make those that can be compatible with humans to aide people in healing and reduce rejection that so often happens in such medical efforts between humans. Yet many people only have visions of Monsters from bad horror films. Ideas that their imagination suggest could form from such mergers.

Gabriel Born offers a different view and a deeply engaging story of a women considered disabled and different, who is also handed an incurable disease and fighting for a way to survive. She take an incredible and terrifying leap of need, to find something she never imagined could be true. A story of true love and transformation. One of the best I have read in a very long time.

Nancy McCormick
September 4, 2018
