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Natasha House's Café House Editing
Editing Packages
Editor: Natasha House
Copy Edit & Line Edit
Before you copy edit, consider a line edit. More style-focused, a line edit includes:
Correcting continuity problems
Looking for ways to improve the natural flow of the piece
The technical edit, a copy edit looks at the mechanics of your writing, including:
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Rate: $0.006/word
The final edit before submitting your manuscript to an agent. Most of these errors should be found during the copy edits, but a proofread provides one final look at:
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Rates: $0.004/word
Developmental Edit
Start here to tackle the big issues before moving on to the nit-picky details. A developmental edit includes:
Checking for theme and consistency
Checking for overall clarity
Evaluating for weaknesses, style, voice, and rhythm
For fiction: basic craft techniques, including characterization and plot development
Rate: $0.02
***Special Deal***
If you hire Natasha for your entire series she is offering a 20% package deal.
Finished product will be given after payment.
Payments made through PayPal only.
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