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Couper, Lexxie
Lexxie lives for wild times, wild worlds, wild characters and wild sex! With a flex of her knuckles and a frenzied attack of her keyboard she’s off on a new adventure … thanks in part to her husband’s Playboy collection, her Sci-fi DVD collection, her Stephen King library and her very twisted imagination. When she’s in the ‘real world’ Lexxie’s life revolves around her family; a husband who thinks she’s insane, a pony-sized mutt who thinks he’s a lap-dog, and her greatest treasures - her two daughters, the little ray of Heaven known as Peanut who beamed straight into Lexxie’s heart four years ago and Chickpea, the little ray’s baby sister who is trying to destroy the house one room at a time…but looks so adorable while doing so you can’t help but smile.
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